So you're female in Hawaii? Wow, what an experience! Congratulations on stumbling upon the Hawaiian Male Phraseology Translator!
You say:
I've been here a week!
He hears:
I've not slept with anyone here!
You say:
I'm visiting from the Mainland...
He hears:
Boooooty Call!
You say:
...for a month!
He says:
You say:
I'm leaving in two days. :(
He hears:
I want to make it worth it.
He says:
Let's get coffee.
He means:
Let me touch your boobs.
You think:
I love coffee!
He says:
Can I walk you up?
He means:
Can I touch your boobs?
You shoot a smile, realize the evening has gone quite farther than you're willing to let it go, you're starting to get the Big Picture, and you are, in fact, Allyson West, just too young to read between the freaking lines sometimes.
You say:
No worries, Buddy. I got it.
You leave.
Geez Louise, these boys would be more successful if they would just tell a girl what they were up to. Then if she wanted to, they would, and if she didn't, they wouldn't waste their time trying not to be confused. Gross.
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