There's a lot of construction going on in Clifton right now. Yes, it's pretty annoying, but meh, what can one do? Well, one can certainly plan to leave for school earlier, or one becomes frantic and stressed trying to make it to 9 am Movement on time. One can remember to breathe through said metaphorical stress so that one doesn't show up discombobulated and upset. And one can certainly just recognize that construction exists as a way of improving and better-ing the world.
ANyway, Mikayla and I are paused, right up by the walk signal in the photo above, loving our lives and chatting away. We're both feeling quite posh, quite city-sophisicate, and probably looking pretty cute, too. Let's pretend Mikayla's wearing short black, military boots, and I'm in leggings and a tunic. Cuties!
We're waiting for the light to change, standing on a construction grate. You know when there are BIG, GIANT, GAPING HOLES in the road, and the construction crews have to place giant metal/maybe steel slabs over them so that cars and people don't tumult down into the expanding crevices? Yep, we're standing on one of those, completely oblivious to the world around us.
The walk signal changes, and we go. We step. We both look down, and we freeze. My breathe disappears. The hairs on my head stand up. Mikayla throws her arms out in front of her and we both jump centimeters in the air before our fight or flight kicks in.
There's a hand on the pavement.
Not only that, but it's moving.
My brain cycles through fear, frantically. Within a millisecond, I've taken in the hand, the lack of body, the whole, horrible, morbid kind of reality that comes with seeing disjointed human parts.........and then.......the world starts......coming back into place. And I see the big construction man laughing his ass off.
And I breathe again.
Turns out, Construction Man A and Construction Man B have a plan they use CONTINUOUSLY on unsuspecting college students. B stands in the giant holes in the ground, shoves his hand up through the cracks, and just waits to catch simple, sweet, unsuspecting girls such as us off guard. Both A and B get incredible laughs from this.
Frankly, so did I. I love being the fool.
Happy Halloween Everyone!
ohmygoshhhhh I would have screamed and maybe peed a little. I'm glad they know how to have fun at work. It's so great to enjoy living life! =)